Supermarket Aldi has halved the price of its shopper-favourite Holly Lane Deep Filled Mince Pies (6 pack) from £1.09 to just 55p – that’s only 9p per pie!
From today (Monday 4th December), the delicate shortcrust pasty cases, which are filled with mincemeat and finished with a light sugar dusting, will be half price. But pie-oneers had better be quick to grab this bargain deal as the offer is available for one week only.
What’s more, when shoppers buy a pack of Aldi’s Holly Lane Mince Pies they are in with a chance to get their hands on an abundance of prizes*, which range from a year’s worth of shopping valued at £5,200, to gift cards ranging in value anywhere from £20-£1,000, mince pie lovers will be having a very merry Christmas indeed!
Aldi’s Holly Lane Deep Filled Mince Pies can be found in store now.
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