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Aldi’s social media team has gone viral again after creating humorous auto-replies for shoppers heading off on holiday this summer.

Fed up with the standard auto-replies, the supermarket is helping shoppers switch them out for some light-hearted and tongue-in-cheek alternatives instead.

Fancy getting your own auto-reply from Aldi? All you need to do is comment on this Facebook post clearly stating your job role and where you’re off to.

Aldi’s social media team will be responding to as many requests as possible over the coming days, crafting personalised auto-replies with the best replies being shared as inspiration for other holidaymakers.

A selection of popular auto-replies so far include:

Job role: Head of Sustainability at a construction company

Holiday: Italy for a week

Response: “Got a recycling question? No you don’t. Emma is off in Italy eating ungodly amounts of pasta and gelato. She doesn’t have the time to tell you which bin to use but just don’t forget to choose the double-sided option on the printer, else she’ll be absolutely furious.”

Job role: Employed by a supermarket that isn’t Aldi

Holiday: Norfolk Broads for a long weekend

Response: “Hello inferior-supermarket employees. Even though Suzanne works for the opps, she still deserves a treat. That’s why she’s having a lush long weekend in the Norfolk Broads looking at boats and fields. Sounds pretty dreamy tbh.”

Job role: Teacher

Holiday: First child-free holiday in 20 years

Response: “Sorry, looks like you’ve missed Mrs Nesbitt. After 20 long years, she’s FINALLY got a child free holiday. That means no being forced to watch underwater handstands and no cleaning sticky ice cream faces. She’s on the road to Rhodes and she’ll be spending the whole time doing the square root of absolutely nothing.”

Quickly gaining attention with the post already on 2.6k likes, one shopper commented: “I am just here to see Aldi respond to these comments” while another added: “These are brilliant!

Richard Thornton, Communications Director at Aldi UK, said: “With the summer now in full swing, millions of Brits will be preparing to set their emails to auto-reply before heading off for a week of sun, sea, and internet silence.

We think our shoppers deserve better than a standard message which is why we’ve recruited the help of our social media team to create some humorous —and slightly outrageous — alternatives.”


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T: 0207 479 0910 or