Shoppers can make further savings on essential items during Aldi’s January Baby & Toddler Event, online and in stores nationwide from 12th January
Supermarket Aldi has today announced that it will sell reusable nappies, as part of its popular January Baby Event.
With the average baby getting through 2,500-3,000 nappies alone in its first year, new parents could save hundreds of pounds by investing in just a handful of Aldi’s Mamia Reusable Nappies.
Experts recommend parents stock up on around 20 reusable nappies to make sure they’re prepared for all eventualities[1], which will cost parents less than £100 at Aldi[2] meaning parents can save a huge £307[3] compared to a year’s worth of Pampers disposable nappies.
Available in a variety of designs, Aldi’s Mamia Reusable Nappies (£4.99) maintain softness and absorbency after each wash. What’s more, thanks to Aldi’s one size fits all design that adjusts with poppers, parents can use them to fit newborn babies all the way to potty training.
For best wear and longevity, parents can also pick up Mamia Reusable Booster packs (£3.49, pack of 3) and Mamia Reusable Wipes (£3.49, pack of 10).
Aldi’s Mamia Reusable Nappies are available to pre-order online from 8th January and available in store nationwide from 12th January while stocks last.
Notes to editors:
*Nappy usage taken from Parenting First Cry:
***Calculation used: price per nappy x total nappies needed
[2] 20 x re-usable nappies at £4.99 = £99.80 at Aldi
[3] Costs based on Pampers New Baby Size 1, 50 pack, Pampers New Baby Size 3, 72 pack and Pampers Baby-Dry Size 4, 86 pack. See notes to editors.
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